Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you deliver?

A: We offer several delivery options, as well as our money-saving will call option for those do-it-yourselfers.

Delivery includes set up and tear down, and is generally limited to orders over $600, but can be higher or lower depending on the date. The minimum is often waived during our slow season, and may be much higher during our busy weekends. Staffing is optional with many items, but is always required with some items (Rock wall, Mechanical bull, etc.). You can save money by providing your own volunteer staff for many items. There are many options here, so be sure to ask for as much help as possible in making the correct decisions. Our event planners have seen it all, and are happy to help find the best fit for your event.

Will call rentals start at 24 hours, and more time can often be added at little or no cost. Pick up and return is available weekdays from 9:30am-4:30pm. Saturday and Sunday pick up and return is usually only available in the morning hours, and on orders exceeding $600. With full weekend will call rentals, you pick up during regular hours on Friday, return during regular hours on Monday, and you get a great low rate!

Q: I’ve never set up a bounce house. Is it hard?

A: Not at all! A standard bounce house is very easy for an average adult to handle, with the proper instruction. We will provide the specific instructions you need for the item you choose, but most inflatables are covered by watching these videos that were filmed in beautiful Hawaii. You can ignore the parts about cleaning the bounce house, we take care of that prior to your rental. Unless you have rented a generator, you can ignore that too; most people just use a standard outlet at their house.
Setup tutorial
Rolling it up part 1
Rolling it up part 2

Q: How do I pick up/return my rental?

A: Most inflatables require a truck or large SUV, although smaller bounce houses can fit in the smallest SUVs (Inflatables can not be loaded into a trunk or passenger compartment of a car). Be sure to ask about your specific rental if you are at all unsure. Dunk tanks can be towed by any vehicle with a 2″ ball and flat 4-way light connector.

Q: Where do I pick up?

A: Our warehouse is in Clackamas, right on Hwy 212. The address is 15521 SE For Mor Ct, Clackamas, OR 97015. Just pull around to the back of the building and back up the large ramp to one of the two roll-up doors. Our staff will load up your inflatable, blower, extension cord, sandbags or stakes and mallet (depending on your setup location), and safety mat, and any other equipment. They are happy to answer any questions and show you the best techniques for moving, setting up and operating your equipment. You just need to let us know if anything is unclear.

Q: Do you have a _____?

A: Yes, of course we do! Just kidding… sort of. Many items can go by several different names, so you may be looking for a Cash Cube, but we call it a Money Booth. Many items just don’t fit neatly into a category on our website. So, if you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask! Chances are, we have it somewhere in our massive warehouse. If we don’t we can probably get it, or at least tell you who in town does have it.